Oh no!! Not another one??

Off again on yet another field trip girls! This time, however, it is to a wonderful aquarium where all of the animal life is safely behind glass and hopefully there will not be anything to offend all the senses like the last little trip we went on.

My congratulations to Christine at Fruit in Season and her family on the birth of her baby, Zachary! He came 6 weeks early but mom and baby are doing great. Go visit her and wish her well!

Have a fantastic day!!

A HandBag Tag!

I've gotten Handbag Tagged by my new friend, Kelly at Love Well . The idea is to show what is in your purse which is absolutely hilarious and horrifying all at the same time. I'm always up for something fun, so I'm playing along...Not to mention, I totally need to clean out my bag and there is no better motivation than knowing all three of you will be looking inside! :)

Here is my current purse which my kids bought me for Christmas. It is your all purpose brown leather bag. It isn't near big enough for all my junk which is why I usually carry this plus a tote bag everywhere I go.


Pens along with Highlighter and Sharpie. A girl should never leave home without a way to highlight or label.
Earbuds to my mp3 cellphone. A girl also needs her Casting Crowns..
C.S. Lewis' 'Screwtape Letters' - my favorite smart guy
My journal - For random thoughts that seem important at the moment
Bank Suckers - with 4 kids the bank people hate to see me coming!
Fingernail Clippers - cause there is nothing worse than a hangnail
Eyeliner - hint: can also double as lip liner in an emergency!
Loose change - shouldn't this be in my wallet?

Also required was to photograph what you took out of your purse to make it presentable. Oh my.

This would be a collection of receipts, candy wrappers, baseball schedules, and granola crumbs cuz I love me some granola bars when I am on the road.

I feel so exposed right now so I'm counting on you girls I tag to help me feel better. So here are my five and if ya'll have clean purses I'll just gag. I just will. And I mean you had better not cheat!! :)

NSpired by Faith
Kids, Cakes, Dishes, Laundry
2nd Cup of Coffee
Show Me State of Mind
Ponderings of the Heart

Yayyy!! More players!!

Crystal at Song of My Heart

Nise' at Under the Boardwalk

In addition to these tags, if you are reading and want to play, please join in ! Let me know you did so I can link you up...So go girls! I can't wait to see what you come up with! If any of you don't like this kind of thing feel free to pass but for kicks, go visit the others!! Don't forget to go see Kelly. You'll agree with me that she is just too stinkin' adorable..:) Thanks for the tag, Kelly!!

Tour of the Zoo De Poo

First I should tell you I really want to use the word 'crap' in this post but realize it constitutes 'Conduct Unbecoming' of a Preacher's Wife..:)) It would just so much more fit the description I would like to paint for you..but, in the interest of protecting my hubby's reputation, I will refrain. Poo will have to Do.

I mentioned to you yesterday we had a First Grade Field Trip to a local zoo. I will not mention the name of the zoo to protect the not-so-innocent. All I am going to tell you is that there was more poop per capita in this 10 acre plot of ground than I have ever seen in all my born days.

The visit started out promising. We pulled into the drive and this zoo has a pretty nice sign. I judge a lot of establishments I visit by whether or not they have a Good Sign. Your sign is your image, people. Invest! Turns out, this image was way overblown. The sign would have better reflected the contents if it had been a large toilet mounted on a pole with the tagline, "We are glad you are here! Nose plugs and waders available at the front desk."

We parked in a field and one of my most hilarious girlfriends later told me, as we were discussing the poopiness of the place, the first thing she did was step in an enormous pile of said nastiness while getting out of her car in the parking lot. Now excuse me, but isn't the zoo up the hill quite a ways? What beast was allowed to roam to the parking lot for Pete's sake?? I laughed my head off when C. said, "Where are we?? Some third world country??!!!" Considering the first animal we saw was a camel, I don't think she was that far off. And just a question, exactly how do desert-dwelling, Arab-ridden animals get to Alabama? Does anyone have any idea how this guy got here???

As we ventured in to the zoo, we had to stand in line to pay our admission. Now thankfully, we were planning on having lunch in a nearby park. But, had we needed to eat here, we were in fine luck because here is the menu the park offered:

What you can not see is on the other side of this window is a various and sundry assortment of monkeys, snakes, and such that were not out for public viewing. I'm not sure if that was the eating area...perhaps it was our Alabama version of the Rainforest Cafe? Thank you dear zoo people, but I do not think we will dining in your establishment today. Or ever. And does the health department even know you exist? Because I totally do not see one of those sheets with your score hanging anywhere on the premises unless it is inside with the snakes in which case, I just really do not need to know.

We took our short walk around the zoo which included rambling around old tires, trailer parts, and of course, dodging enormous piles of poop. There was a stage area that I am guessing once had animal presentations on it. Today it had an old refrigerator and propane bottles. And no matter how we tried, we could not for the life of us figure out where all the monster poop could be coming from. Think Lost and the mystery jungle creature. The more I thought about it, the more I was certain I did not want to solve the mystery. Just get me outta here. And the tour guide? He was totally one of the Others.

The worst part came at the end. In the Cafe' building, there was a drainage hole which led into the visitor pathway. Apparently, when the inside of this building was hosed down, a drain carried all the monkey poo out of the building into a nice, tidy cesspool outside into the area where children run and play. And oh yeah, you guessed it. One of our boys was running and fell into the mess. He was covered with monkey doo from arms to toe. You should have seen all the moms rushing over to help him clean it off. NOT.

I really wanted to give you more pictures, but the Other was watching me and I was afraid of what might happen if he caught me in my expose'. Some secret medical experimentation? Locking me up in one of the cages? You'll understand why I chose not to be too obvious.

To say a fun day was had by all would be a bit of an, oh, overstatement. But, the picnic was nice if you don't count the mangy, tick-ridden dog that wouldn't leave us alone or the park bathroom which only had a hole in the floor where the toilet should have been and 60+ first graders who hadn't used the potty since we left that morning. Oh yeah, it was good to go home. The next time I get the hankering to see any wild animals, I'll go outside and pet my beagle. She and I have a secret language but that would be a story for another day..:))

Have a great Saturday!!

Off To The Zoo!

I'm off to the Zoo today for a First Grade Field Trip! Wahooo! I hope to have some good stories to tell when I get back. :))

Also wanted to remind you that several new girls have joined in our 'I AM' Study. If you are participating or just reading along, go visit Lessons One and Two and don't forget to visit the links! (I'm in a hurry and can't link..Just click the button in my sidebar for the table of contents) There is some real ministry going on in these comments ya'll! Go be a part of it and encourage those who are posting their answers. I promise you'll be blessed and come away with some insights about the subjects that you didn' t think of before...This is a blast!

Hope you have a wonderful Friday...I'll catch back up soon! :)


Thankful Thursday

* I am thankful my precious grandmother's health is improving. Please pray for her, my girlfriends. She is in rehab with a subdural hematoma and is not able to walk well right now. She is so scared.

* I am thankful for beautiful, healthy, vibrant children who love their mom and dad.

* I am thankful my daughter got to go on a playdate with one of her best buddies today. She squealed all morning until they came to pick her up!

* I am thankful for all the wonderful women I am meeting through the 'I AM' Study. Your participation, enthusiasm, and longing for a Word from the Lord refresh my spirit.

* I am thankful for pouring down rain this morning...Our area farmers needed it.

* I am thankful for Phil 2:13 "It is God in you to will and to work according to His pleasure." I pray His will and work will always be what births my desires.

I pray you all have a wonderful Thursday...It's almost the weekend, Hang on!
Please visit Iris at Sting My Heart to read more praises!

'I AM' So You Don't Have To Be
Lesson Three

I AM - So You Don't Have To Be
Blog Bible Study Lesson Three

'When Life Doesn't Work Out Like You Planned'

Part 1

Background Reading:

Exodus Chapter 2
"One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."

Before we begin, a couple of things

1. If you would like to post your responses to the Discussion Questions on your blog, sign the Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post and link to your Lesson Three post, not your homepage. This will make it much easier for those looking for your responses later to find them. Be sure to put the 'I AM' Study button in your post as well. If you are not posting your responses on your blog, you are free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

2. Talk to each other, girls! :) Part of the growing process in this study is the sharing each other's experience. If possible, work your way through your sisters' links and comment on what they are saying. Often, they have opened themselves up and become very vulnerable with their answers. We need one another's affirmation so be generous with it! You may just find a new soul sister in the process!

3. It is never too late to begin! If you are just finding this study for the first time, simply click on the Study button to take you to the beginning Welcome and Table of Contents. From there you will begin at Lesson One. There are several women who are just beginning. You can leave your thoughts on any Lesson because most likely, someone else is coming along at the same time you are. The 'fresh comment dates' will hopefully give this study a sense of timelessness so it can hang around a while.

With all that said, Welcome back, girls!

I am so excited you are still with me and I pray you will continue on. So far, you have joined me in rejoicing over the birth of the beautiful baby, Moses. I hope you have let the reality settle over you that just like Moses, you were placed just in time to have an impact on this earth through 'unrecurring incidents' of obedience. I also pray you now realize you are awfully pretty in the process. I had to laugh at the conference where I originally taught this series. The girls decided since they were so beautiful they would go upstairs in the cabin and have those extra donuts after all! Now that's what I'm talking about! They got it! So grab your favorite treat, pull up a chair, and let's get started.

First I want to remind you that today's topic will come in two parts. The way the material worked out, I could either make one very long lesson or two moderate sized ones. I've chosen Plan B simply because the confines of Blogland demand it. Believe me, there is SO much more detail I want to give you on each Lesson, but I believe God has asked me to keep this manageable in both time and space. To say I am exercising restraint is an understatement..:) Can I tell you again how thrilled I am that you have joined me in this study? I am having the time of my life meeting you and exchanging insights much like we would if we were in a small group together. I remain amazed at a technology that allows women from all over the world to interact almost as if we were in one of our own family rooms. Aren't you?!

In today's passage, we find Moses at the age of 40 having been raised a Prince of Egypt. I have been fascinated by what I have read in the works of the second-century historian, Flavius Josephus, in regard to what Moses' life may have been like during his 40 years of privilege. The Egyptians were very well-educated in things such as arithmetic, science, philosophy, and medicine to name a few. The princes often served as priests of the various temples. Josephus notes that Moses was used of the Pharaoh to lead a great military campaign against an Ethiopian invasion of Egypt. I want to be clear I am not stating any of these things as Scriptural fact but nevertheless, I am very intrigued by the possibilities of how high Moses' had climbed up the ladder of success before his great plunge into the depths of reality.

As we did in previous lessons, we will toggle back and forth between the Exodus 2 version of Moses life and Stephen's confession in Acts 7. Let's take a closer look at Acts 7:23 which says, "But when he was approaching the age of forty, it entered his mind to visit his brethren, the sons of Israel."

I am about to jump out of my chair to show this to you! Notice the phrase 'approaching the age of forty'. This phrase is literally translated, "When a forty year old time was being fulfilled for him." Do you remember how we talked about Moses' being born exactly when necessary to be the right age at the right time for Israel's deliverance? Be reminded in Acts 7:17 that the time of the promise of deliverance was approaching. Let me suggest to you that if Moses' physical birth was the beginning of that fulfillment of promise, then this desire to see His brethren was spiritually speaking a 40-year, in-utero second birth into the purpose for which God created him. God was not inactive during this preparation time. He was simply forming the desires and experiences necessary for Moses to undertake this great task. I am reminded of Phillipians 2:13, "for it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Robertson's Word Picture of the New Testament describes this desire to see to see the welfare of his brothers as 'coming up from the lower deeps of his nature." Stirrings this far down only come from One Source, girls. These go beyond feeling straight to the Spirit. God had a people to rescue and it was time to raise His deliverer.

"So does this apply to me?" you ask. Oh, honey, does it ever.

Think for a moment with me about activities you love. Desires you have. Dreams you dream. Spiritual gifts you have discovered. Do you ever wonder where those longings come from and why? I hope we have established in our Lessons prior to this you were born in your generation, in your circle of influence, just in time for God's good pleasure. Obviously, you weren't the only person born in this exact place and time. So what makes you different from the girl on the pew next to you? YOUR DESIRES AND EXPERIENCES. Your compassions, griefs, and gifts are all things which set you apart from your sisters and what sends you in one direction and her in another. The body of Christ has many parts and obviously a 4-headed, 9-toed monster is not going to accomplish anything but scare the life out of people. I wonder if this disproportionate church is what sends people running in the other direction? Think of how different things would be if our body exercised its two arms to embrace those who are lost and dying without Christ. The thing to remember about all these characteristics is that none of them appeared overnight. It takes time to work out our salvation and to realize the full implication of the talents we have been given and/or the deliverances we have ourselves received. It took Moses 80 long years to be ready for the burning bush. This may serve to tell us that we may have some waiting to do. But, in the words of Scarlett O'Hara, "we'll just think about that tomorrow", in Part Two that is.

Hang in here with me on this next point. I preface it by saying sometimes you will question the common sense of your teacher but this just rang out in my head so I went with it. Here it goes...God has made you in the words of Lionel Richie (can I quote him in a Bible Study?:)) once, twice, three times a Lady. (Can't you just hear him singing it or am I totally dating myself?) Here are the three ways: He has placed you just in time, has saved you by His lovingkindness, and either has given or will give you a desire from the 'lower deep of your nature' to accomplish what He intends in your life. Some of you may be saying, "I don't feel that Lisa. I don't know what my gifts are. God is not telling me to do anything big. I'm afraid people turn away if I show them too much of me." I will address those questions more in detail in Part Two of this Lesson, but for now it is critical that we do not mistake Big for Important or equate being rejected by man with being accepted by God.

We will stop here and continue next week by finding out what is really going on when life doesn't seem to be working out like we'd hoped or planned. For now, let's apply what our study has revealed thus far:

Discussion Questions:

1. It was stated in the Lesson that God has made you "once, twice, three times a lady." Where are you in this progression? Obviously we have all been physically born, but are you 'twice a lady'? Have you been born again spiritually? This may be a private matter you'd like to discuss confidentially. If so,
email me. If you have already received this gift, write a brief prayer of thanksgiving or testimony.

2. Are you three times a lady? Has God given you a stirring deep within your Spirit to be a 'deliverer'? Do you have a desire or are you already meeting a need in the life of the church, a particular ministry (such as jail ministry, food ministry, etc.) or perhaps individuals who share common issues?

3. Do you ever get tired of waiting for that opportunity to do something
worthwhile for God? Do you ever feel God is using someone else instead of you?

4. What do you consider 'worthwhile ministry'? Are you like me and sometimes find yourself mistakenly thinking it has to be Big to be Important?

5. Have you ever taken a spiritual gifts test? If yes, what are yours? If no, here's a good one from
Ephesians 4 Ministry. Will you take it and come back with a response? Knowing some of you like I already do, I can almost pick out what your gift is before you say it. I can't wait to see if I'm right!

You girls are so wonderful and I look forward to your insights into this Lesson. Please know I pray for those of you whom I know are participating online and for those who are following along privately. I have never been so convinced that God is at work in the lives of women. He wants to give us Canaan...will we run towards it or continue longing for Egypt? Here is the Good News..You are one step closer to the Promised Land...you've come to far to turn back now! Hang in there!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Lisa McKay - April, 2007

Creative Commons License

work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Other Study Links:

WFMW - Easy Homemade Hand/Body Cream

My friend Kaye turned me on to the best hand and body cream I have ever used and it is easy, easy to make!

Mix together:

2 Small Tubs of Vitamin E Cream

1 small jar Vaseline

1 regular sized Baby Lotion

All of these ingredients can be found at Walmart, Target or often Dollar Stores. Mix these until smooth with a hand mixer. (Your blades will be oh so silky smooth). Place the mixture into a pretty little container. Easy gift, but great to keep too. And, it smells wonderful! Let me know if you make it..want to see how you like it! :)

Cheap lotion..Works For Me!

Go visit Rocks in My Dryer for other great WFMW ideas.

I'm At The Cafe' Today!

"The phone call was one I'll never forget. 'Guess who is moving?' my husband asked. I was not prepared for his answer...."

Please join me at the Christian Women Online Internet Cafe for more of
"The Exhale of Heaven".

Hope you will join me there!

I'd Like To Thank The Academy

My site was nominated for Best Religion Blog!

I have just found out that someone nominated 'The Preacher's Wife' for Best Religion Blog in the Blogger's Choice Awards. WOW?! For the sister who nominated me, THANK YOU! You gave this site the most wonderful description and I don't know what to say but I am grateful and overwhelmed. For fear of pulling a Julia Roberts who told the 'little orchestra man' to have a seat as he tried to shush her Oscar acceptance speech, I'll hush now. After I say this that is.

I looked at the list of other nominees and at last tally, the Religion blog in the lead was actually an ATHEIST blog. Now tell me how that should be in a Religion category? Let me be clear I am not tellin' you to go vote for me (unless you really want to that is :)), but please go vote for somebody who loves Jesus. Could you just do that please? It only takes a minute and we simply can not let someone who does not love Jesus win the Religion category. It just can not happen. It can't. Unacceptable.

So run on over here and vote. Remember. No athiests. Jesus Worshippers only.

Thank you!

The Funniest Thing I've Read This Week

Do ya'll know you are the funniest interfriends in the whole wide world? And one of you whose name starts with NSpiredByFaith, well I know you in real life and I always knew you were funny but now, holy cow. Something about bloggin' just brings out the Comedic Genius in you. I'm guessing one reason I never knew this is that we just don't have enough time to spend with one another so that we can discuss things like our crazy families or ill-behaved children.

Ya'll have simply GOT to go read NSpired's story Grandpa Rides Again. It just doesn't get any more Southern than this. You know, I absolutely love the South. No where else on earth can we do the dumbest things and have them be re-told for generations until they are more lore than fact. :)) We are legend-makers people.

In other news, I know you have joined me in mourning for the families of the students killed at Virginia Tech. I also know you must also be rejoicing over the phenomenal response to the love offering for Heather. By the way, if you haven't given yet, you still can until the 25th. If you aren't able, more valuable than all is your prayers. What a wonderful opportunity though to put legs on our petitions. I am truly overwhelmed by the response. Have you ever??

One other place I'll point you to.....Have you ever visited Laced With Grace? It is a Group-Written Daily Devotion hosted by Iris at Sting My Heart. There girls who write it are wonderful and it will be a great addition to your daily Scripture reading. Go by and visit today!

Have a wonderful Saturday!

Sittin' On The Dock of The Bay...Wasting TIIIMMMMEE

Ya'll know as well as I do there are just way too few days to spend kicked back doing a whole lot of nothin'. This week was my kids' Spring Break and between ballgames and errands, we've barely done one fun thing. Yesterday, we drove down to our camper on the lake which we have stayed in a total of ONE WHOLE NIGHT since we got it a year ago. We had ballgames, so we couldn't spend the night last night either, but we did enjoy a lovely 4 hours fishing, reading, and soaking up some sun - in our coats for Pete's sake since it was in the cool, windy, 60's in Mid-April, in Alabama! All I have to say is Al Gore, SHUT UP! There is no global warming! Have you not looked at the Weather Channel in your rants and seen we are having the coldest Spring in centuries?! We SO liked you better when you were still in seclusion with your way overgrown facial hair. As we say when we are cold in the South, "OOSSHHIE!"

Anyway, here are a few pics of the children...I hesitate to put them on there because of all the interfreaks out there...but their names are changed to protect the innocent:) These are mostly for the granny who doesn't get to see them much because she is never home. Love you , Gran..:)

Einstein (11 YO) and Big Daddy (7 YO). This was a tender moment. They are usually in a pile beating each other to death.

Squid (9 YO) got bored pretty quick with the whole fishing thing though he liked feeding the ducks that came by. He is an instant gratification kind of guy and the fish were not biting yesterday in the wind.

Can you just say, 'AWWW'. The princess loves her big brothers. Big Daddy was helping her watch her bobber in case a fish got it.

The view from our camper lot....There is just no better place than on the water..really. What a nice 4 measly hours. Maybe we'll have 4 more to go down here again in the next year. :)

'I AM' Study FAQ's

I know you are so tired of me posting about this study, but I need to answer a couple of questions that are coming up frequently.

1. Is it too late to start? NO! My hope is that in the way the study is set up, you can start at any time at the beginning and simply follow along at your own pace. Don't ever feel you are behind just because I am posting several lessons ahead of you. Take your time and enjoy! If you want to post your answers on your site, simply sign the Linky under the lesson you are currently working on. Don't forget to link to your Study Post and not your home page for ease in surfing. As others join the study and start from the beginning, it will be good for them to see current posts so the Study will feel 'fresh' no matter the date.

2. Where can I get the code for the button? It is in my sidebar. Just grab the code and insert it in your post as well as your sidebar for easy access to the Study.

A couple more things:

  • 1. Please visit one another to view and discuss other insights into the Discussion questions for the week. It is such an encouragement to share your thoughts on these Lessons. Think Group Bible Study without everyone staring at you until you answer! :)

  • 2. You don't have to ask to use the button link. The more the merrier! :)

  • 3. I have added a Feed Blitz Sign Up link in my sidebar for you to subscribe to this blog. New posts will be delivered to your email each day! How cool is that!?

Do you have any other questions? Everything running smoothly and are you finding the links you need? Please let me know if I can answer anything for you .... Ya'll are the greatest~

Again, thank you for blessing me by participating in this Study. I am enjoying every second of it and hope you are too! :)
Have a wonderful Friday!!

Thankful Thursday

Today is my first time playing Thankful Thursday. I've been wanting to jump in for a while now but I am normally teaching classes all day. This is Spring Break though so wahooo! I'm in!

* I am thankful...for a husband who is a protector and friend.

* I am thankful..for children who are the spice of life. I am thankful it is Spring Break and they are still in bed right now. :)

* I am thankful...for a relevant God who though He is the Ancient of Days, is taking a modern technology such the Internet and is spreading His fame through it. We serve the great I AM who always IS..fresh, current, active. I am thankful for those of you participating in the 'I AM' Study and for you who will pray for just one life to be made more abundant and free because of it. Thank you to those who have taken the time to share your insights to the study questions..Seeing your responses reminds me once again that the Holy Spirit takes a general word and makes it specific to fit the needs of many. Wow, I love Him for that.

* I am thankful ...for Psalm 90:15-17 "Make us glad according to the days You have afflicted us, and the years we have seen evil. Let Your work appear to Your servants and Your majesty to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands." I found this passage "accidentally" (no such thing) thinking I was reading something else. It was exactly what I needed to hear after having prayed about my only form of paid work disappearing. I do not know what the Lord has in store for us, but He knows our needs. He has been too faithful to stop providing now! And for Him as my portion I am most grateful:)

* I am ever so thankful for my new Blog Sistahood! You have changed my life in just 3 short months. There is not a state or country I could visit now that there isn't one of you I would want to hunt down for lunch! :) Thank you for your encouragement, your prayers, and your friendship. I can't attempt to make an exhaustive list because I would surely leave someone off, but today I must mention Iris at Sting My Heart first of all because of all her help with the 'I AM' study button. I know you who know her agree she is a source of never ending encouragement and I have learned, of Patience! Darlene Schacht also blessed me with much Meme Wisdom...She doesn't have time for my foolishness but she gives it anyway..thank you dear friend!

Praying you all have a blessed day!! Don't forget to go to Sting My Heart to visit other Thankful Thursday participants!

I AM: Study Lesson Two
"Beautiful to God"

Lesson Two - Beautiful To God

Background reading: Exodus 2, Acts 7, Isaiah 53

Focal Verses:

"It was at this time that Moses was born; and he was lovely in the sight of God, and he was nurtured three months in his father's home." Acts 7:20 NASB

"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Isaiah 53:2-3 NIV

"For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation." Psalm 149:4

What is your initial reaction when your husband, mom, or friend says, "You are beautiful!" Do you immediately believe it or is your response, "Sure, right. I am beautiful. You are obligated to think that. But thanks, anyway."

God says you are beautiful and in case you have forgotten, He does not lie! Thankfully, God does not judge by our society's skewed ideas of physical beauty. The Israelites were chief offenders when it was time to choose their king. Their confidence in Saul was based on his "head taller than anyone around" physique. (2 Samuel 9:2) What they could not see is that inside he was a quaking coward. Samuel also relied on appearance when he was to choose Saul's successor. When Jesse's sons were brought before him, he immediately saw Eliab's stature and said, "surely this is the Lord's anointed." It was during this scene when God reminded Samuel that man looked at the appearance of a man, but He looked at the heart.(2 Samuel 6:7) As the Israelites looked forward to the Messiah, no doubt they expected Him to be the next in a long line of lovely kings.

It seems so natural to deny our beauty, yet when we do so we often only have our outside in mind. Yet to reply, "Yes, I am quite stunning aren't I?" flies contrary to the humility Jesus exemplified. So where is the balance? What does God mean when He says we are beautiful and exactly what is the standard we should measure ourselves against?

One place we can look for wisdom is Acts 7:20. Moses was described in the NASB as "beautiful in the eyes of God" or in the KJV, "exceeding fair". It is not surprising that a newborn baby would be described in such a way. However, when you study the meanings of these phrases, it can be concluded his beauty was both on the inside and outside. In my studies I have personally come to believe Moses' physical attractiveness was a tool God used to arouse the compassion of the Egyptian princess. A high premium was placed on beauty in that culture and finding a lovely baby in the waters would have seemed a gift from the gods. A gift from God, maybe - straight to Pharaoh. :) What is most exciting is the word translated as 'beautiful' or 'fair'. I can hardly wait to tell you about it. You are going to love this!

The Greek word translated 'fair' is 'asteios' (Strongs 791) and is only used to describe Moses. This word is derived from a word 'astu' and means, "one who dwells in a city and by consequence is well bred, polite, eloquent, as the inhabitants of cities are in comparison of those in the country'.

Moses was from the city alright, the heavenly one! Do you ever encounter people and know by their countenance they are believers? A friend of mine went on a mission trip to Africa and while there came in contact with a tribal chief/witch doctor. During her groups' stay, the man was born again. She has 'before and after' photos of him and I am not exaggerating when I say you can hardly tell he is the same man! All of the hard lines of sin were erased and replaced with a gentleness that can only be described as angelic. How amazing that God Himself makes us beautiful! (Psalm 149:4)

We are told in God's word that when we are saved, we are seated in the heavenlies.(Ephesians 2:6) So spiritually speaking, we are like Eva Gabor in Green Acres - high society meets country living. We are City Girls, high-born daughters of the King and when people look at us they are to see peace and joy in our countenance in such a measure they will say, "Wow, she isn't from around here is she? That, girls, is the kind of gorgeous we are after.

As you let the implications of being a City Girl settle on you, read again the focal verse of Isaiah 53:2-3. The only way we can be beautiful to God is to accept the death Jesus died by which he bore the sin, shame, and disgrace which causes both a spiritual and visible ugliness. The Israelites looked for a handsome, physically inspiring man to be their Messiah. Jesus came as none of this. What would draw men to Him would be His Spirit.

The world still looks at our Savior and 'esteems Him not'. The Hebrew word for esteem was an accounting term and meant, "to count, inspire ideas." The description of the Suffering Servant should inspire in us a new line of thinking where loveliness and beauty are concerned. Let this passage be the seed that grows this radical idea in you, "Jesus became ugly, therefore I am not. What draws people to me will be His Spirit, not an outward attractiveness." The Jews counted Jesus as nothing because when they looked on Him, all they saw was one afflicted. Surely He must have been stricken of God instead of sent by Him. Practically speaking, we are still 'esteeming Him not' today by continuing the beating that He has already taken. Some examples of how we do this are: Negative self-talk when we look in the mirror or step on the scale, mentally abusing our own intelligence, nurturing toxic relationships, and engaging in self-destructive behavior are but a few. Remember, thinking lowly of ones self is still thinking of oneself more than God. Reverse pride is still pride and the most dangerous form of idolatry. Ask God to reveal areas in your thought life where He is not being esteemed. If you do not esteem yourself, you are not esteeming Him. God particularly convicted me on this one.

Oh how I wish we could go on. There is just not room! But, let's see how we can apply what we have learned so far.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is your initial response when anyone suggests you are beautiful?
  • Do you find you engage in a lot of negative 'self-talk'? How much of your thought life does this form of thinking consume?
  • Has it ever occurred to you that you are a City Girl? How do you plan to use this knowledge?
  • In what ways has your view of Godly beauty changed as a result of these Scriptures?

If you would like to answer these questions on your blog, simply link below. Don't forget to install the button in your post! You are also welcome to leave your remarks in the comments.

I pray when we look in the mirror, we will learn to see what God sees and love who He loves. Hear me well - You Are Beautiful!! You will act out what you believe - Let the world see your 'City Girl!' :)

Other Study Links:

Welcome and Instructions

Table of Contents


Lesson One

Lesson Three

WFMW - Jewelry Organizer

I have a time trying to keep my necklaces untangled and my bracelets in one place. I love how jewelry is displayed in hanging T-bars in department stores but was never able to find anything like this for sale.

I went to the bathroom department of HomeGoods (hello? the best home store ever) and bought a vanity handtowel rack. It is a T-shape and looks just like the department store displays. I have hung my necklaces on one side and my bracelets on the other. WFM!!

In Other Words -
Give Glory Where Glory Is Due

"If a commission by an earthly king is considered a honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?"

~David Livingstone

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. " Matthew 16:24

When we consider honor versus sacrifice only one fundamental question need be answered. For whose Glory comes the Commission? For to be honored by a king brings glory to the one who is exalted. But sacrifice for a King brings glory to that King.

Sacrifice demands we lose ourself in the identity of the One for whom we are seeking fame. For many this would mean we become lost in ourselves - our own desires, plans, ambitions, indulgences. But for the woman who is seeking to bring fame to Her Heavenly Father, we become lost in His beauty, His righteousness, His forgiveness, His sacrifice. When Jesus began His earthly ministry, John the Baptist proclaimed, "I must become less, He must become more." However, when sacrifice has been experienced by both parties, both are honored.

I am reminded of my favorite scene in conclusion of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. As the rightful King Aragorn is being coronated, everyone in the Kingdom is bowed before him. He approaches the four hobbits whose sacrifice has brought about his return to the throne. He raises them to their feet and says, "My friends, you bow for no one". Of course they would always bow before him but their sacrifice brought honor to the King and thereby caused the King to honor them. It is a wonderful picture of God seating us in the heavenlies when we give our lives for the sake of His Son's.

Today as we consider this quote, remember whose glory we are seeking. For Matthew 16:27 says, "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels and then he will reward each person according to what he has done." Amen.

Come quickly Lord Jesus and may I have been found faithful in spreading your fame!

For more insights on this quote, visit our host Laurel Wreath.

I AM Bible Study Update

First of all, I want to tell you that I am wonderfully overwhelmed with your response to the 'I AM' Blog Bible Study. I never in my wildest dreams thought there would be such an interest. I credit our amazing God with placing the desire for His Word in our hearts. I count it a privilege to be able to study along with you. I won't just stop at privilege, I want you to know I am jumping-up-and-down thrilled over the endless ministry possibilities using the Blog format!

For the past several days I have been working through the details of how this study could best be administered. I pray the way I have set it up will be clear and user-friendly. I welcome your feedback on how it could be done better so that you will have the best possible experience. I would like to thank my wonderful friends Iris at Sting My Heart and Darlene Schacht at CWO for their encouragement and wisdom. I would especially like to thank Iris for the Study Button.....Isn't it great??

The 'I AM' Button is linked to the Table of Contents Page which will allow you to click on the area of study you are ready to begin. Each lesson will also link to the previous and next in the series. You will be able to locate the lessons much more easily if you will install the button in your sidebar.

One last thing - Wednesday will be the day new Lessons are posted. If you are already current with the study, it will be great if you can post your responses by the following Monday. However, I anticipate there will be many who will find the study at different times. I do not believe this will be an issue. There will be a Mr. Linky left on all of the Lessons so you can simply sign the one you are currently working on as well as view responses others have posted.

Whew! I hope I've covered everything. If I haven't, email me! I'll be glad to answer your questions. I'm working on getting a scroll box with the button code. In the meantime, send me a note if you need help grabbing it out of my sidebar or the top of this post.

Remember to check back on Wednesday for the next lesson. :)
You have no idea how I am looking forward to spending this time with you in God's Word!

'I AM - So You Don't Have To Be'
A Blog Bible Study

I AM - So You Don't Have To Be

A Blog Bible Study

by Lisa McKay

Table of Contents

Chapter One: I AM - Your Beauty

Chapter Two: I AM - Your Sufficiency

Lesson Five - I Was

Chapter Three: I AM - Your Fame

Lesson Nine - A Set Up for a Show Up

Chapter Four: I AM - Your Portion

Scroll of Remembrance
~ A listing of those who have faithfully completed this study~

Patty @ Girlfriends in God
Jen @ My 3 Boys and I
Denise @ Shortybear's Place

They Don't Call Her 'Grace' For Nothin'

We had Sunday lunch with some friends yesterday. On the way home, one of the three boys blessed us with an unpleasant aroma in the Suburban. Here's the conversation:

Baby Girl: Would whoever is fartin' stop it!?

The Preacher: DAUGHTER! Could you be a little more lady-like?

Baby Girl: Would whoever is fartin' PLEASE stop it!?

Don't forget about me when the Loser Mom of the Year nominations roll around. You can enter me in the "Her Kids are Potty Mouths" category. :)

It's Time To Step Up Sistahood!

Hi Girls!

Some of you either know or have heard of Heather of Swank Design fame, some not. However, today is one of those where it doesn't really matter. She needs our help and I hope you will consider joining in.

I am asking you each to click on the button above to read about Heather's brain cancer diagnosis and make a decision on April 18th to pray and if possible to give financially to aid her family. I won't elaborate here on what is best told through the link. All I can say is that I am torn out of my frame after reading her plight. This is one of those situations where you might ask, "How much can one family take?" This young wife and mother is a picture of the grace of God being sufficient. By her testimony you will respond, "How can she possibly be so calm?" It is only the confidence she has in our God...No doubt she is spreading His fame.

On April 18th a link will be established through this button for donations to this family. Again, you can read more by clicking. Please pray about how you can seize this opportunity for ministry.

Thank you!!


The Best Hot Fudge Cake EVER

This recipe is my submission to the blog challenge sponsored by Bonnie, CWO's monthly columnist for Bonnie's Kitchen.

The Challenge?

Post a favorite recipe handed down from your mom, and tell us why you like this one so much.

A friend of mine and I had a discussion about Hot Fudge Cake and I assured her this recipe from my momma is the best EVER. Mom's version of this classic has replaced our traditional birthday cakes and is usually served anytime we have the opportunity to get together for a special occasion. Our family is not one of die-hard cooks (except for my up-and-coming, Paula Deen lovin' niece, Kayla) but this dessert is a sentimental, easy to prepare favorite.

What you need:
(read the whole recipe through because I didn’t make an ingredient list..Paula Deen I ain’t):

One Devil’s Food Cake Mix (any brand is good) baked according to directions.

Here’s the special part:
One Can of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup
One Can of Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
One Stick of REAL Butter
Mix all three of these ingredients in a sauce pan and heat until it’s, you know, HOT.

The magic is in the presentation so do this:
Cut the cake in squares and then cut a piece in half horizontally so as to have a top and bottom piece.
Drizzle some of the sauce on your plate first….All Emeril-like.
Put the bottom square of the cake down first.
Put a scoop of your favorite VANILLA ICE CREAM next.
Drizzle a little more chocolate.
Put on the top piece of cake and put a lot more chocolate.
Squirt whipped cream over the whole mess and put a cherry on top.

I won’t even tell you this has a bazillion calories….just try not to think about it while you eat this scrumptuous thing. Enjoy!

The Most Fun Personality Test

I heard about this personality test in a conference I was in recently. Apparently, it is 98% accurate to the enormously long tests that Fortune 500 companies give their new hires. Here is how it works:

Choose One of these Shapes: Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, or Squiggle. You should choose the one that immediately appeals to you. I'm talking 5 seconds here...Don't overanalyze. Go ahead and give yourself a first favorite and runner-up. One Last Thing - Don't Look at the Definitions Before You Choose..That is CHEATING!:)

Square - A Square is somebody who feels most comfortable with a stable environment and clear directions on what to do. She is conservative and likes things that are regular and orderly. If given a task she will work on it until it is finished, even if it is repetitious, cumbersome and lonely.

Rectangle - A Rectangle also likes structure and regularity. But she will more establish it with organization, meetings, committees and so forth. This will have to be done the proper way, taking all rules and regulations into consideration. If given a task she will start organizing it to be sure it can be done the most systematic way.

Circle - A Circle is social and communicative. No hard edges. She handles things by talking about them and smoothing things out with everybody. Communication is the first priority, and making sure there is harmony. When given a task she will talk about it.

Triangle - A Triangle is goal oriented. She enjoys planning something out and then doing it. She gets motivated by the accomplishment. She will tend to look at big long-term issues, but might forget the details. When given a task she will set a goal and work on a plan for it.

Squiggle - A Squiggle is off-the-wall and creative. She feels best doing new and different things most of the time and gets bored with regularity. When given a task she will come up with bright ideas about it.

Okay, I am first a Squiggle, then a Circle and might I say this is amazingly accurate. I totally begin well and fizzle at the end when I get bored or too many details overwhelm me...I think that is why I like blogging...totally random stuff...never boring....new things to do all the time. I come by this honestly. Just ask my organic gardening, hoop-house farming, aracauna hen-raising, mushroom growing, bee-keeping, fisherman dad..:)) Love you, Pops!! :))

Play along with me...what are you and was it accurate??!!

The Pied Piper of Pavement

Today I drove to my dad's house a 30-mile trip away. The highway I take is a scenic road that twists and turns up and over two different mountains. There is a new bridge that has been under construction for some months and recently paving began in the area leading up to it. Today, I had the blessing of sitting in traffic because one side of the road was blocked off so the other could be paved.

That is when I discovered the guy who has the most dumbfounding job I've seen lately. His mission, should he choose to accept it, was to lead traffic back and forth all day long for the short 300 yards the right lane of traffic was closed. I guess no one trusted us country crackers to read a sign that said, 'Right Lane Closed' or 'Stop If You See Someone Coming Head-On In Your Direction." Nope, this guy just drove to and fro for eight horrible hours making sure we didn't get on the wrong side of the pylons. The Pied Piper of Pavement. I was insulted.

I'm certain he sat a little taller in his seat, full of pride over his sense of accomplishment at having delivered yet one more group of vehicles a few pylons short of the safe zone. After he gave a wave and turned to lead his next flock, I was then the lead car. Would you like to know what I did with my Moses moment? I got on the wrong side of the stinkin' pylons. I don't know how! Oh yes, honey, I almost ran clear off the side of the road - or where the road used to be. But not only I, but the little chickens behind me too - they were thoroughly impressed with my leadership abilities. Guess us southern folks need Mr. Piper after all. We are safer because of him. Or at least you are if I am in front of you. :)

This would preach, but I'll spare you today....have a great Saturday!!!

'I AM' Study Linky

If you are participating in the 'I AM' Study, please click on Lesson One and re-sign the Linky...For some reason it lost your names today. Don' t forget to put your email address out beside your name...I've left mine for an example...Sorry for the trouble! :)

I'm Over at the CWO Internet Cafe'!

Click the Internet Cafe' button to read
Drop and Give Him Five!

How are your toes today? I hope yours are strappy-sandal ready but mine, dear sisters, are broken and bloody. That would be because C.S. Lewis through his book, The Screwtape Letters, has stomped all over them. Stomped and jumped and then flattened with the Mashed Potato Dance. I am knocked off my feet for a moment but in this case it is a good thing because I have been reminded I should be on my knees anyway.....read more

Works For Me Wednesday - Solving Ball Uniform Chaos

I don't know about you, but during baseball season one of our worse issues is finding all the pieces of our ball uniforms after the three boys have come home, stripped down, and thrown hats, socks, belts, etc. to the four winds.

We have solved this somewhat simply. I have a small laundry basket I keep on top of the washing machine. The ball uniforms MUST be put in that basket as soon as they are taken off. If they are not and I have to search for any piece of the uniform, the offender has to carry his sister's pink glove into the dugout the next game. I do believe they would rather stay home than touch anything pink while their friends are watching. So far, so good!

Hope this helps solve your uniform chaos - It Works For Me!

Go visit Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer for more great WFMW ideas!

A Question for the Ages

Someone found my blog today by googling, "Are Preacher's Wives Crazy?". Google no more my dear friend, because I can tell you with a hardy !YES! they are, thereby consider your question answered.

So You Don't Have To Be Study
Lesson One - "I AM Your Beauty"

If you are just joining in on this blog Bible Study series, Click here for the Introduction.

I AM - Your Beauty

I am so happy you have joined me for this blog Bible Study. Obviously anything I am able to present to you here will be greatly abbreviated for space and time's sake, but I pray God will use these teachings as a reminder that there is but ONE God and that He is for you. It took many years for me to finally embrace the fact God was working all the details in my life towards peace, rest and wide open spaces. So many times He held Canaan out to me and I turned my back on it for Egypt. I also finally understand after following Moses through this study that when God asks us to do something on His behalf, He is enough to accomplish the desired end. He delights in our 'yes' and how that spreads His fame. I want to be a girl with a 'yes' in my Spirit - don't you? When we can exchange God's I AM for our Am Nots, we'll proclaim as David, "With your help I can advance against a troop, with my God I can scale a wall." (Psalm 18:29) The most important thing I've learned? Unless the circumstances are dire, unless the situation hopeless, unless the task impossible, God is not assured the glory when the miraculous happens. He is still a God of Wonders. What a thrill when He asks us to hold the staff.

Today's lesson will focus on the birth of Moses and Stephen's description of this event in Acts 7:17-20. The lesson is titled "I AM - Your Beauty" but we will break that down into the following sub-lessons: Just In Time, Beautiful in the Eyes of God, and After His Heart. So yeah, this study could drag on a while..:) Didn't have anything else to do, did ya?

Just In Time
Acts 7:17-20

"But as the time for the promise was approaching which God had assured to Abraham, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt. It was at this time that Moses was born; and he was lovely in the sight of God, and he was nurtured three months in his father's home." (NASB)

*Note - All word definitions and lexical references are taken from the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible - AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN. Edited by Spiros Zodhiates or Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.* This reference is a nightmare in its syntax, but this is a blog, not Broadman Holman...Ya'll will forgive me, right??**

Have you ever considered that your placement on planet Earth, in your generation, in your county, state, city, family, circle of friends was completely intentional? That you are not the accidental end of a long list of 'begats' that just happened to spring forth when you did? No doubt in every span of time, God could pull out any individual to accomplish His will but how much more thrilling to know He dreamed you up and placed you, on purpose, to experience life and react to its circumstances so as to potentially aid in the deliverance of someone close to you. I say 'potentially' because we will see in a moment how our 'yes' or 'no' could affect our privilege of participation in God's Wonders.

Notice in the verses above that Moses birth took place as the time of God's promise of deliverance to His people was approaching. Clearly, Moses' birth was intentionally planned 'just in time' so he would be the right age, in the right place, at the right time to be pulled from the reeds and placed in Pharaoh's house.

What is fascinating is the 'time' word used when talking of the timing of Moses' birth. It is not the word 'chronos' which describes a succession of moments. The Greek word used is 'Kairos' (Strongs 2540) and means "an occasion; a set or proper time. 'Kairos' implies not the convenience for the season but the necessity of the task at hand whether the time provides a good, convenient opportunity or not. The English language sometimes translates this word as 'seasons' at which foreordained events take place or necessary accomplishments need to take place."

Are you beginning to get the idea of what this time word implies? Moses was not born as one of many in a succession of moments, days, weeks, or years but was created to accomplish a necessary task. God would orchestrate the 'convenient opportunity' and Moses was the man whom He would bring forth to deliver His people, beloved Israel, from bondage. The implications of this concept are mind-blowing to me. I realize that God does not have national deliverance in mind for most of us, but what is that convenient opportunity, that necessary task, He is setting up for me and for you? Dear Girls, there is a reason God has placed us just in time in our particular circle of influence. Let's take our thoughts a step further.

The Hebrew (OT) equivalent of the 'Kairos' word used in the New Testament is 'Eth'. Just glance at that word, think of the words of a favorite verse "for such a time as this" and draw some creative conclusions of a person's name you can derive from 'eth'. Do you see it yet?? EsTHer. That may mean nothing, but I would like to suggest Esther's name symbolized the time she was placed specifically for - the deliverance of her people. (Esther 4:14) 'Eth' means "the appropriate time for an unrecurring incident." I want to jump out of my seat as I think about what that means. Hear me well...I believe with all my heart that our entire lives are a series of unrecurring incidents in which we have the opportunity to use our 'yes' for God's fame. Just as Mordecai stated (paraphrase), "If you say 'no', God will raise up a deliverer from somewhere else. But who knows that you were placed in your position for such a time as this?" Esther could have said no. We can say no. But heaven help me if I cause my God to resort to Plan B. I want to be His 'go to' girl -the one He knows will say yes, Lord! May it be done to me as You have said! "Hmmm, I think I'll call forth Lisa in this situation..I can trust her with My glory." Let it be, Lord. Let it be.

There are women in our midst who are dying - emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes physically. What are we going to do about it? How are we going to protect our sisters from the enemy? When are we going to stand firm and proclaim to Satan - Enough! You can not have her! My heart burns with indignation towards the enemy for the constant turmoil he places in our lives - the heartache, temptation, and oppression. (For another article on this, click here and scroll down to "You Can't Have Her") Satan also understands the time concept and places obstacles to prevent us from possessing our lands of Promise - the place we can dwell unbound and able to bless. So his plan? Keep us spiritually and emotionally unhealthy. If we are weak, our hurting sisters our weaker. It is that simple. It is time to stand, to be the healthy ones, to be the women who will take our place between Satan and our broken sister until she is able to stand on her on.

Here are some questions I would like for you to consider in response to what God is showing us in these Scriptures:

Are there any circumstances or relationships in your life where you can see God has intentionally placed you to be a light for Him?

Can you honestly describe yourself as a woman with a 'yes' in her spirit?

Are you in an emotionally and spiritually healthy place today? If so, what will you do with your series of unrecurring events? Will you commit to ask for spiritual eyes to see opportunities to defend a weaker sister?

If no, are you taking steps to seek out wise counsel from a sister you admire or perhaps a Christian counselor if needed? If not, will you resolve to do so?

If you would like to post your responses on your blog, simply insert the "I AM" Study Button in your post along with the answers to your questions. Sign the Mr. Linky below. Remember to link to your study post and not just your home page so others will be able to find your responses easily.
I look forward to reading your comments. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful group of new friends to study with!

Blessings on you, my girlfriends!

Lisa McKay - 2007

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