Thankful Thursday

Today is my first time playing Thankful Thursday. I've been wanting to jump in for a while now but I am normally teaching classes all day. This is Spring Break though so wahooo! I'm in!

* I am thankful...for a husband who is a protector and friend.

* I am thankful..for children who are the spice of life. I am thankful it is Spring Break and they are still in bed right now. :)

* I am thankful...for a relevant God who though He is the Ancient of Days, is taking a modern technology such the Internet and is spreading His fame through it. We serve the great I AM who always IS..fresh, current, active. I am thankful for those of you participating in the 'I AM' Study and for you who will pray for just one life to be made more abundant and free because of it. Thank you to those who have taken the time to share your insights to the study questions..Seeing your responses reminds me once again that the Holy Spirit takes a general word and makes it specific to fit the needs of many. Wow, I love Him for that.

* I am thankful ...for Psalm 90:15-17 "Make us glad according to the days You have afflicted us, and the years we have seen evil. Let Your work appear to Your servants and Your majesty to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands." I found this passage "accidentally" (no such thing) thinking I was reading something else. It was exactly what I needed to hear after having prayed about my only form of paid work disappearing. I do not know what the Lord has in store for us, but He knows our needs. He has been too faithful to stop providing now! And for Him as my portion I am most grateful:)

* I am ever so thankful for my new Blog Sistahood! You have changed my life in just 3 short months. There is not a state or country I could visit now that there isn't one of you I would want to hunt down for lunch! :) Thank you for your encouragement, your prayers, and your friendship. I can't attempt to make an exhaustive list because I would surely leave someone off, but today I must mention Iris at Sting My Heart first of all because of all her help with the 'I AM' study button. I know you who know her agree she is a source of never ending encouragement and I have learned, of Patience! Darlene Schacht also blessed me with much Meme Wisdom...She doesn't have time for my foolishness but she gives it anyway..thank you dear friend!

Praying you all have a blessed day!! Don't forget to go to Sting My Heart to visit other Thankful Thursday participants!