WFMW - Paid Naps

"Paid Naps?", you ask.

Here's the deal. Our family just went on vacation and let us just say that 4 kids in the backseats of a Suburban can only remain happy for so long. I knew when the fussing commenced that they were so tired and needed just a bit of motivation to go on to sleep and give hubs and me some peace and quiet for a couple of hours. SO - I made it a contest and gave $5 to the kid who would nap the longest.

You are probably speed dialing Children's Services right now, but I have to tell you IT WORKED FOR US! Baby Girl won the contest and we had our bit of time to talk about 'big people' stuff without yelling over the screaming children.

Going on vacation anytime soon? Pay your kids to sleep! It works for me! :)

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