Just a Quick Note....

...to point out a new sponsor here at The Preacher's Wife. Our friends at Desiring God want to let you ministry wives know about their upcoming Commending Christ Pastors' Conference in February, 2009. My hubby is drooling over this one! Could there be any better Christmas gift? If you can't personally swing it, put a bug in a deacon's ear. {Not a real bug but come to think of it, that would be pretty fun. I love pulling pranks on deacons, right Dwayne?} They might decide to bless that man of yours with a little paid R&R.

And hey, if you are a layperson, why don't you consider sending your pastor to this conference as a Christmas gift? I'm telling you, if you will allow him the opportunity to spend time with fellow pastors and be rujevenated in the Word it will come back to you tenfold. I know this one personally.

There's loads of information available through clicking the button.

So go click the button.

You know you want to.

p.s. You haven't heard the last about this conference. {Doesn't that sound mysterious?}

p.s.s. If it isn't already, the Desiring God Blog must be a part of your daily reads. Seriously.